Essential Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming

Updated: 27 Nov 2024


Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a fundamental paradigm in software development that organizes software design around objects. These objects are instances of classes that can represent real-world entities and provide a modular approach to building programs. OOP helps manage complexity, encourages reusability, and makes software easier to maintain.

In this post, we’ll cover the core concepts of OOP:

  1. Classes and Objects
  2. Inheritance
  3. Abstraction
  4. Encapsulation
  5. Polymorphism

Classes and Objects

A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines the properties (attributes) and behaviors (methods) that the objects created from the class will have. An object is an instance of a class, representing a specific entity with attributes and behaviors.

class Car {
    String brand;
    String model;
    int year;

    void start() {
        System.out.println("The car is starting.");

In this example, Car is a class that has attributes brand, model, and year. The start() method represents the behavior of the car.

An object can be created like this:
Car myCar = new Car();
myCar.brand = "Toyota";
myCar.model = "Corolla";
myCar.year = 2020;

Inheritance in programming

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, that allows one class to inherit the properties and methods of another class. In simple words, inheritance is a concept in programming, where one class (child class) can use the properties and methods of another class (parent class).

For example, you have a class called Car with a method start(). If you create a Tesla class and use inheritance, the Tesla class will automatically get the start() method from the Car class. This way, you do not have to rewrite the method in the Tesla class—you just inherit it.

Key Concepts of Inheritance:

  1. Base Class: you can call it parent class or superclass. It is a class that provides properties and methods to other classes. It is the parent class from which other classes are derived.
  2. Derived Class: You can call it a child class or subclass. It is a class in which you have to use the properties and methods of the parent class. It can access the parent class’s fields and methods, and it can also have its properties and methods.

The following example explains, how inheritance in programming works.

Java Example

Parent Class

class Vehicle {
    String brand;

    void honk() {
        System.out.println("Beep beep!");

Child Class

class Car extends Vehicle {
    String model;

Why Use Inheritance?

There are several key reasons why inheritance is used in programming:

  • Code Reuse: Instead of writing the same code multiple times, common functionalities can be defined in a base class and shared with derived classes.
  • Maintainability: If a change is needed in a base class, the child classes automatically reflect that change. This makes maintenance easier since you only need to modify the base class.
  • Hierarchical Class Structure: Inheritance helps establish a clear hierarchical structure between classes. For instance, a base class “Vehicle” can have subclasses like “Car” and “Motorcycle” that share common characteristics but differ in specifics.
  • Extensibility: Inheritance makes it easier to extend the functionality of existing classes by adding new features to derived classes without altering the base class.
  • Polymorphism: With inheritance, polymorphism can be achieved where a single method can have different implementations in different classes (like the speak method for Dog and Cat).

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Key Terminology:

  • Fields or Properties: These are variables that belong to the class.
  • Methods or Functions: These are functions defined within the class.

Overriding: When a subclass provides its implementation of a method inherited from the parent class, it is called method overriding

Types of Inheritance:

  1. Single Inheritance: In this type, a subclass inherits from only one superclass. It is the simplest form of inheritance. For example, if you have a Car class, you can inherit the car class into the Tesla Class.
  1. Multiple Inheritance: A class can inherit from more than one base class. While some languages support it. If you have two classes Engine and Wheels, you can inherit these two classes into the Car class
  1. Multilevel Inheritance: A class is derived from another derived class, creating a chain of inheritance.
  1. Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple subclasses inherit from a single base class.
  1. Hybrid Inheritance: A combination of more than one type of inheritance (e.g., multilevel and multiple).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inheritance

  1. Code Reusability: Common logic can be shared across classes, reducing redundancy.
  2. Improved Maintenance: Changes made to the base class are reflected in all derived classes, improving maintainability.
  3. Modularity: Inheritance allows for logically grouping related classes, improving the overall structure of the code.
  4. Polymorphism Support: Inheritance enables polymorphism, where a subclass can define its specific behavior while sharing the interface of the parent class.
  1. Tight Coupling: Inheritance creates a close relationship between the parent class and child classes, making it difficult to change one class without affecting others.
  2. Fragile Base Class Problem: If a parent class is modified, it can unintentionally affect all its child classes.

Abstraction in Programming

Abstraction in programming is a fundamental concept that refers to the process of simplifying complex systems by hiding unnecessary details and exposing only the essential features. It allows programmers to focus on high-level operations without needing to understand all the intricate details behind them. Abstraction helps in managing complexity by providing a simplified interface to the user, hiding the inner workings of the system or object. This concept is a key element of object-oriented programming (OOP) but is used in many other programming paradigms as well.

For example, when you drive a car, you only need to know how to use the steering wheel, accelerator, and brakes. You don’t need to understand how the engine, transmission, or fuel injection system works. Similarly, in programming, abstraction allows users to interact with a system through a simplified interface without being concerned about how the system functions internally.

Types of Abstraction:

  • Data Abstraction: This focuses on exposing only relevant data to the outside world, often through getters and setters, while keeping the internal data structure hidden.
  • Control Abstraction: This abstracts away control flow structures (like loops and conditionals) to focus on the overall process, often achieved by using functions, methods, or even high-level constructs like frameworks.

Example of Abstraction:

Consider a class that represents a vehicle. At a high level, you may care about actions like starting, stopping, accelerating, and braking, but not how these operations are implemented.

Java Example
abstract class Vehicle {
    // Abstract methods (no implementation)
    abstract void start();
    abstract void stop();
    // Non-abstract methods
    void fuelUp() {
        System.out.println("Filling fuel...");

Here, the Vehicle class is abstract because it defines general methods like start() and stop(), but does not specify how they should work. Specific vehicles (like Car or Bike) will provide the implementation.

Use of Abstraction
class Car extends Vehicle {
    void start() {
        System.out.println("Car is starting...");
    void stop() {
        System.out.println("Car is stopping...");

class Bike extends Vehicle {
    void start() {
        System.out.println("Bike is starting...");
    void stop() {
        System.out.println("Bike is stopping...");

In this example:

  • The Vehicle class provides abstraction.
  • The Car and Bike classes implement the details of start() and stop().


Abstraction is a powerful concept that allows programmers to handle complexity in large systems by focusing on essential features and hiding unnecessary details. By using abstraction, you can build systems that are easier to maintain, understand, and scale. Whether through abstract data types, classes, or interfaces, abstraction helps developers write clean, reusable, and modular code.Abstraction.s power
Why is Abstraction Important?

By separating the “what” from the “how,” abstraction helps maintain and update systems without worrying about breaking the entire application. You can change the implementation without affecting the external interfaces.

What are Levels of Abstraction:?
  • High-Level Abstraction: Involves broad concepts, such as user interfaces or application logic, where low-level details like memory management are hidden.
  • Low-Level Abstraction: Deals with specific details, like memory allocation, bit manipulation, and hardware interactions, typically in system programming.

Best Practices for Abstraction:

  • Use abstraction to manage complexity: Break down large systems into smaller, abstract components.
  • Avoid over-abstraction: Too much abstraction can make code hard to understand and maintain. Strike a balance between simplicity and functionality.
  • Leverage abstract classes and interfaces: Use them to define common behaviors for objects in a system.

Encapsulation in Programming?

Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that refers to the practice of bundling data (attributes) and the methods (functions or behaviors) that operate on the data into a single unit or class. It restricts direct access to some of an object’s components, which is known as data hiding, and ensures that only authorized methods can modify or access the data.

The goal of encapsulation is to prevent outside code from directly accessing and potentially altering critical data. Instead, interaction with that data happens through well-defined methods, or interfaces, ensuring that changes to the internal state of the object are controlled and predictable.

Key Points About Encapsulation

  • Data Hiding: The internal state (attributes) of an object is hidden from the outside, and access is granted only through methods. This protects the data from being modified arbitrarily.
  • Controlled Access: Encapsulation provides getter and setter methods to control how the data is accessed and modified. Only valid or acceptable data can be set.
  • Reduces Complexity: By hiding the inner workings of an object, encapsulation makes the system simpler to understand and interact with.
  • Improves Maintainability: Changes to the internal implementation of a class do not affect the code that interacts with it, as long as the public interface remains the same.
  • Increases Flexibility: Since the internal workings of an object can change without affecting external code, the code becomes more flexible to change and evolve over time.
  • Modular Code: Encapsulation promotes the division of complex systems into smaller, independent units, each with its responsibility and behavior.

Encapsulation’s meaing

In simpler terms, encapsulation hides the internal details of an object and only exposes a limited and necessary interface to interact with it.

Improves Maintainability

Encapsulation enhances the maintainability of code by creating a clear separation between the internal workings of a class and the external code that interacts with it. Because encapsulation isolates the inner implementation, you can make changes to how a class works internally without affecting the rest of the program, as long as the public methods remain consistent.

For example, if you need to change the data structure used inside a class (e.g., changing from an array to a linked list), you can do so without modifying any of the code that interacts with that class. This makes the system easier to maintain, debug, and extend over time. Moreover, with encapsulation, developers can work on different parts of the system without causing conflicts, since each class controls its own data and behavior.

Enhanced Security

Encapsulation enhances security by restricting access to an object’s internal data. In object-oriented programming, class attributes are often marked as private or protected, meaning they can only be accessed or modified through specific methods (usually called getters and setters). This prevents external code from making unintended changes to an object’s state or bypassing validation logic.

By restricting access, encapsulation can also ensure that data is only modified in a way that preserves the integrity of the program. For instance, a setter method can include validation to prevent setting invalid values, such as negative numbers for an age attribute. This approach prevents errors and vulnerabilities from propagating throughout the system.

In addition to preventing unwanted access, encapsulation promotes better auditing and tracking of how data is modified since all changes must occur through a predefined interface.

How Encapsulation Works

Encapsulation works by using access modifiers and methods to control how data is exposed and altered. Here’s how the process generally works in OOP languages:

  1. Private Data Members: Data within a class (like variables or properties) are declared as private or protected. This makes them inaccessible directly from outside the class. They can only be accessed or modified through class methods.
  2. Public Getter and Setter Methods: To allow controlled access to these private members, public methods called getters and setters are created. Getters retrieve the value of the private data, while setters modify the value, often with additional validation to ensure the integrity of the data.

Example of Encapsulation

Example in Python
class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self, balance):
        self.__balance = balance  # Private attribute

    def get_balance(self):
        return self.__balance  # Public getter method

    def set_balance(self, amount):
        if amount >= 0:
            self.__balance = amount  # Public setter with validation
            print("Invalid balance!")

account = BankAccount(1000)
print(account.get_balance())  # Accessing private data through getter

account.set_balance(500)  # Modifying private data through setter

Manageable Interface

In the setter methods, you can add rules to validate the data before it’s accepted. For instance, if you want to prevent negative values from being set, you can add a condition inside the setter method to reject invalid inputs.

Clean and Manageable Interface

By encapsulating the data, the class provides a clean and manageable interface, reducing complexity and risk in the system. Users of the class don’t need to know how things work behind the scenes; they only need to know which methods to use and what inputs they accept.

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Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a fundamental paradigm in software development that organizes software design around objects. These objects are instances of classes, which can represent real-world entities and provide a modular approach to building programs.

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